Thursday, April 15, 2010

For the Love of Food

I've always had an interesting [slightly bipolar] relationship with food.

I love it.

I really do.

But I also prefer to have a 23" waistline.

(which I definitely do not have right now, but have had in the far-far past, and the recent past).

And unlike my 90lb, 5foot tall baby sister who can eat everything she loves (or hates) while sitting watching an 8 hour Man vs. Food marathon without gaining an ounce (perhaps even losing one). I eat slightly more than I should or miss a workout,  and my 5'8," 150lb, birthing hips and I  have to move from jeans to stretch pants.

At least I have boobs.


I have been through cleanses. disorders. diets. binges. over eaten. under eaten. eaten.

And what I've realized is... food is delicious.

I love making it, buying it, eating it and ESPECIALLY eating out.

Eating out is most definitely a vice of mine. And what is worse is my boyfriend is a total enabler, being just as addicted as I to the shiny silverware, candle lit tables & food that magically prepares itself. So, two things have happened. One was, for lent [which I do...just in case], we gave up 'eating out'. Literally one of the hardest things I have ever done. Although, it did force me to cook a lot more & I discovered many a fun & quick recipe. Two, I have discovered GrouponLiving Social and Restaurant.Com.

As Socrates once told me [I was a greek classics minor.], know thyself. And I know thyself will eat out whether thy, as in I, really has the money or not. SO why not prepare. And so I have begun collecting these magical little deals that turn a small amount of money into a bigger one at all different types of restaurants. And because I love to write. And because I love to eat. I figured, I would combine the two and help spread the wisdom I will (and have) quickly amassed by jumping on the YELP bandwagon.

I've used it. I've taken advice. I've ignored advice. So now I'll give advice. Or at least my honest opinions. And believe me. I can be honest.





Lucy said...

I love food too, and I loved this post.

P.S. Boobs cannot be overrated!

Anonymous said...

Is it bad that just reading this post makes me hungry? Cuz it does.

Rachel Anna Marie said...

Well thank you ladies! If you like eating out as much as I do, check out those websites they will save you lots of money in any city!